We Don't Sell Classes...?!

Posted by Kate Manville- Schwartz on Oct 1st 2021

I've been reading a book recommended by another small business owner and when I say that its been eye opening, I really mean it! In a recent chapter, the author explains that businesses do better when they fully understand what it is they are selling. My first thought was, of course, I know what I'm selling. Kate's Art School sells classes that teach skills and techniques about art and quality art materials to create with. Well, as I continued to read I realized I needed to adjust that thinking!

Let me explain. In your head, think of any perfume, what comes to mind? Dior? Chanel? Ok, what imagery do perfume companies use when selling perfume? Women in sensual poses, soft images with flowing or see-through fabric, mostly blank backgrounds or places that are exotic or romantic. Right? These perfumes companies are selling not the perfume itself, but the image the perfume gives: feeling sensual, glamorous and romantic. You, as the consumer are buying THAT feeling and because perfume reminds you of those marketed images, essentially, you're buying "romance in a bottle."

Thinking in these terms, Kate's Art School, does not sell classes, we sell that confident feeling you get after you've finished a piece of art you never thought possible. Or, that heart full feeling when you admire a new work fresh out of the kiln. Or, the feeling of gaining knowledge and the dawn of realization that you CAN be an artist in a room full of artists. THAT is what Kate's Art School actually sells. Confidence, knowledge, and a ever growing community of creative people!